Courage Budi Widanarko of Sidoarjo commendable. As in East Java again fever modification drag force and low-rider look, builder of Venus Customized it voted with the others, "The concept racing look. This is purely different and new," he said.
Although the renovation is done Budi on Yamaha Mio 2007 limited fashion, many racing ornament attached. Most notably, these two types of slick tire wear (without development).
Then the front suspension that dipermak models upside down so that it becomes longer and greater. Perhaps this skubek first rooster made in Sidoarjo. In fact, according to Budi, soknya it yourself using a variety of custom Mio. "Beneath still use a Mio, being on such a condom wrapped with 2 inch pipe. For chromed finishing it," said Budi.
Motor racing so close to the display, on the deck of the middle frame made stabilizer. Was limited to the display, baseball functions like in racing, the light Budi.
The back also overhauled. As monosok, have MX affixed to the Mio. Jok is a custom order to save the battery so that people think baseball is the battery.
In order to create the look of the motor in accordance with the concept, hollow cover model constrained CVT (add more) I'll look excited. Budi this bold step has a great risk when used for daily. Because the CVT should be free of dust, oil, and water.
But, once again, Budi want to show the handiwork of net Mio. Hence, many parts are chromed.
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